Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Three in a day!

Three in a day.

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I did it. I went to three classes in a day. 

None of them were super exciting, but they were all good. After my training last night I felt like my knees were really sore, and they still were this morning. Stiff might be the better word. I had some trouble moving, I could feel it this morning when I tried to get out of bed and move about the house. It wasn't so bad in the Tune Up class; I noticed it, but none of the moves we were doing had much impact. I noticed it a lot in the other two classes. Class two was just straight yoga. I think that may have been my first "just yoga" - no attachments. It was with the same guy as the Tune Up. A little different, he didn't circulate as much to correct moves - although I did get my shoulders put into place and my downward dog fixed. And he did most of the moves with us a lot more than in the tune up class. But definitely no mumbo jumbo. 
He led us in the moves and talked a little bit, but very different from many of the other classes. He chats the whole time in Tune Up, not here. I liked the class. My knees, not so much. We did a lot of moves that had me kneeling and rocking back and forth, and shifting the knee caps in various positions. My knees were not happy. You don't realize how much you use them in something until they hurt to move. ☹️
Not fun. I think it may have been from the squats and the way I was doing exercises in the training last night, or maybe I'm just starting to hit my burn-out from all of my fitness. I've noticed the muscle exhaustion in a few of my last classes - I try to hold a move and my legs or arms or whatnot are just shaking like crazy. I have no stability. To be fair - today and yesterday I didn't eat all that much and that might have contributed to my feeling of burn out. I was thinking my muscles may not hold this. But I made it through.

It's funny that just yesterday we were taking about how impatient some of the people at the club are; barging in to get "their spot" before the class ahead of time is even out. I've noticed a few impatient people, but today's took the cake. 15 minutes to spare in yoga, and people are massing outside the door and looking in and seeming to be downright agitated. I even wondered if the class was only supposed to be an hour and he was going over time. Nope, they're just impatient.

So I'm in my space and I'm cleaning up my stuff and the horde storms the room before any of us are done tidying. This woman comes over and puts her stuff down nearly on mine and proceeds to try and inch closer, essentially forcing me to move out of the way. Holy crap lady, how about you let me leave first? It's not even like I had that much stuff to put away and she's forcing me out. I was half tempted to stay for another class in that spot just to annoy her.

It was my last class with this instructor, though he does have a workshop in September that may not be such a bad idea - but it's 2 hours of rolling out feet, shins and calves, with maybe some hip at the end. We'll see. I will miss the Wednesday classes for sure. I can't say I've got any drastic changes super obvious... But there are small ones. When I got on the scale this morning I was down to 192 (and shocked). And when I tried to do a forward fold I realized I can actually touch the floor while standing with my legs straight. I haven't done that since I was a child. And in happy baby (on your back, legs bent and apart so you can grab your toes and look like a baby on their back) I was actually able to grab my toes. Previously, I was lucky if I could get me hands to my shins - ankles or feet were out of the question! Really impressed with my progression in flexibility. The 8 pounds was nice too, but it's entirely possible I'll still be back at 200 tomorrow. 

The aqua fit class was good. I got some cardio and some stretching. My knees hurt as well. I went mostly for my mother to accompany her and didn't really have any motivation to be there. Because my knees hurt and I had already done two workouts that day I mostly took it easy, not giving the moves 100% at any point. There were definitely some moments where I felt the knee caps shifting painfully though. I think I may have to see my Physio about working on that again, though I'm almost certain the muscles to strengthen in there revolve around doing moves like squats and bends, which I've been doing in my classes anyway.

We'll see. I have an appointment with him on Friday. And I'm getting my hair done on Friday too! Just in time for back to school.

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